I’m sure at some point you’ve thought about what to do with your free time. Perhaps you have had the idea of sharing your time with people who are going through a difficult situation by sharing moments of support, games, laughter, love… In this life, there are many activities to be carried out, but without a doubt, dedicating some of our free time to other people and, in this case, to children suffering from cancer and other serious chronic pathologies and their families, is without a doubt one of the most satisfying and fulfilling that can be chosen.

We are sure that, if you have come this far, it is because you want to dedicate part of your time to our children and their families and, without doubt, we thank you for the initiative and for wanting to be a volunteer.

If you have solidarity concerns and are looking for an organisation to help, we hope to help you with this post so that the Olivares Foundation is finally your choice, the volunteer in Malaga needs you.

We want to let you know some of the requirements that the person who shows his interest in volunteering with us has to meet. Of course, we would like you to meet them as well to become part of our great team of volunteers, without whom our work could not be carried out day by day in the same way we have been doing it until now.

Requirements to become a volunteer of the Foundation

  • Be of legal age.
  • Be motivated by solidarity and altruism.
  • Have some free time and want to share it by doing the various tasks that are carried out to meet the needs of families and the Foundation.
  • Maturity, emotional stability and psycho-affective balance.
  • Tolerance to frustration and emotional control.
  • Flexibility and adaptation.
  • Reliable, with a positive attitude.
  • Commitment and responsibility.
  • Able to transmit affection and security.
  • Companionship and good will with the rest of the volunteers.
  • Prudence and discretion.
  • Good teamwork skills.
  • Adaptation to changes and handling of difficult situations.
  • Compliance with the rules of the Foundation and respect for the functioning and work that the Foundation’s team carries out

If you see yourself reflected in these values, skills and qualities, you can be a potential volunteer of the Olivares Foundation.

Selection process of the volunteer

The first step you must take to become a volunteer is to write an email to trabajosocial@fundacionolivares.org telling us who you are and expressing your interest in being part of the volunteer movement, how you think you can help and what you can contribute.

Secondly, we will send you back an email in which we will attach the volunteer programme of our Foundation, which you can download from our Would you like to be a volunteer? page, as well as a form that you should send us with your personal details. As soon as we receive this form, we will include you in our database. We will contact you when we are going to carry out a new training course in which you can learn a little more about us and the voluntary work in our Foundation and we can also get to know you a little better. We will contact you again to arrange a personal interview with our social worker, volunteer coordinator, if we think you fit the profile of the vacancies we need to cover and other volunteer needs we have at that moment.

Finally, if, after the training course and/or personal interview, we feel that you are the profile we are looking for to meet the needs of the moment, we will let you know and you will become part of our big family.

Without a doubt, we are sure that being a volunteer in the Olivares Foundation will give you the opportunity to grow as a person, to meet wonderful people, to give the best of yourself and, without a doubt, help us to be able to carry out this work that day by day moves the whole team that forms the Fundación Olivares.

And you, have you thought about being a volunteer or do you want to help us in another way?

We are waiting for you!

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