Home care and educational support for families of children with cancer
The Unit will provide families with the following in-home services:
Educational support in the early education stage
This service is offered through a teacher with notions for the handling of situations derived from childhood cancer who works in coordination with the Territorial Delegation of Education, Culture and Sport of Malaga of the Andalusian Government.
Support from the specialist physiotherapist.
The rehabilitation at home will be aimed at promoting a more active life so that the child with mobility problems derived not only from the disease, but also from the long periods of time spent at rest, regain their motor skills, thus improving their autonomy, self-perception and self-esteem among other aspects.
Psychological support.
The Foundation’s psychologist, through periodic visits to the families, will put in place mechanisms and tools that will contribute to the family’s readjustment and the confrontation of the difficult situation the family is going through.
Home support from volunteers to contribute to family respite times.
The volunteer who goes to the home can accompany the sick child and his or her siblings, allowing their parents to have time for other activities.
Once the request for home support has been made by the family or a referring agency, an evaluation of the needs and services that can be offered at home will be made, taking into account the family situation.
952 30 10 69 Headquarters Foundation
636 59 09 73 Administration
690 94 75 87 Coordinator of the UAD
Time to apply for services or receive more information:
From Monday to Friday
From 10:00 am to 1:00 pm with the head of the venue who will facilitate an appointment with our social worker, coordinator of the Home Support Unit.